care Call for Bidding Assessment of BWF Business Hub Due Date to submit proposals : Thursday September
24 , 2020 at 03:00 PM Palestine time Business Women Forum ( BWF ) is a national non - profit association established in 2006 , with the mission “ To strengthen the competitiveness of businesswomen and women entrepreneurs through building capacities , enhance access to markets , and advocating an enabling environment for businesswomen in Palestine . The Business Women Forum - Palestine ( BWF ) is seeking to contract a qualified Business Service Provider - BSP ( a consultant and expert , a consulting firm , a BDS Hub or Accelerator ) to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current business hub and develop the business model for the " Women's Economic and Entrepreneurial Empowerment Innovation Hub ” . The above required consultancy came within the project " Women and Youth Entrepreneurs Leading Change- ( OBADER ) " . OBADER project is funded the Government of Canada and implemented by CARE Palestine ( WBG ) in cooperation with the Ministry of National Economy , and in partnership with the Business Women Forum and the Center for Continuing Education at Birzeit University in the West Bank , and Save Youth Future Society and Small Enterprises Center in the Gaza Strip . The Ultimate Outcome of the project is “ Enhanced economic empowerment and increased prosperity for low - income women and / or female and male youth in central ( including Nablus ) and south of West Bank and Gaza " . Interested BSPs can request the detailed ToR by sending an email to admin@bwf.ps titled Business Hub no later than Sunday - September 06 , 2020
( ) TVE