أريج ARIJ
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Participatory budget for MoLG and MoL
No . 25 / 2019 The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) , a Palestinian Non - Governmen tal Organization , is implementing the project entitled " Finance for Development ( F4D ) " . Funded by Oxfam and implemented by ARIJ in partnership with AMAN and MIFTAH . As part of the project activities ARIJ is seeking a competitive offer from a consultant / firm to do Participatory budget for MoLG and MOL , The applying consultant / firm must have the demonstrable capability to carry out the scope of work of this assignment and must have the capacity and experience in this field . For this purpose , the consultant / firm should submit a Technical and Financial Proposals for carrying out the scope of work of this consultancy assignment . The proposal should comply with the Terms of Reference ( TOR ) of this assignment as described below . For those who are interested to participate in the Bid and have sufficient experi ence in this area you may obtain the specific terms of reference at ARIJ premises at Karkafeh Street - Bethlehem starting from April 02nd 2019 till April 06th , 2019 or by calling 02 274 1889 . Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to ARIJ by mid - day on April 10th , 2019
A valid deduction at source certificate must be attached to your offer .
All prices must be in US Dollar and Include VAT . • A 5 % of the total tender amount must be attached as a bank guarantee . The tender winner will be responsible to pay the tender announcement fees in the local newspaper . The Applied Research Institute Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) Karkafeh Street , Bethlehem
Telephone : 02 - 2741889 Fax : 02 - 2776966 Working hours : 8 a . m - 4p . m ( Except Fridays and Sundays )