Invitation to Bid
Organization : Palestinian Performing Arts Network - PPAN Country : Palestine Bid Subject : Evaluation of the Palestinian Performing Arts Network Project titled " Performing Arts is a Right and an Entitlement " , Pales tine - Cultural Sector . No . 1 / 2019 Date : April 13 , 2019 In the context of the abovementioned program , the Palestinian Per forming Arts Network requires the implementation of an evaluation to assess the projects ' s intended outputs , specific objective and goal , as well as to examine the effectiveness of the approach and methodol ogy . To this end , PPAN calls for bid invitations from local registered firms . To be eligible for selection , the firms must comply with the following criteria :
Extensive experience in project cycle management and monitoring and evaluation . Demonstrated experience in carrying out evalua tions , including design , planning and use of appro priate methodologies . Team leader has conducted at least three evaluations in the last five years ideally in a relevant field . Associate researchers participated in at least three evaluations ideally in a relevant field Knowledge and experience in the culture sector in Palestine in general and in performing arts in par ticular are highly desirable . Excellent oral and written English . Ability to produce high quality analytical reports . Prices are quoted in USD ( USD ) inclusive of all types of taxes including VAT .
The deadline for submitting bids until Tuesday , 23 / 04 / 2019 .
The terms of reference document will be made available upon request by the network through the following address : info @ ppan . ps