Terms of Reference Scoping Study on Corporate Social Responsibility
ActionAid Palestine
July , 2019 Working title : A scoping study on the Corporate Social Responsibility culture within the Palestinian private sector in Hebron and Bethlehem Governorates 1 - PURPOSE & RATIOANALE The rationale for this consultancy is to undertake a research survey / scoping study of He bron and Bethlehem businesses ' capacity and interest to provide resources ( start - up funds , in - kind resources , mentoring support , internships . . . etc ) for young people employment / self employment initiatives / social enterprises and facilitate linkages between young people and prospective businessowners / investors / mentors as part of their CRS . 2 - SCHEDULE The Scoping Study shall be conducted between July 17 , 2019 to July 31 , 2019 . Spe cific level of effort for the consultant will be based on the agreed workplan that will be finalized with the contract . 3 - QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANT / • Bachelor / master ' s degree in economics , economic development , public policy ,
business or public administration , finance and law or related field from a recog .
nized university . • A minimum 7 years of relevant experience in conducting research and policy work
related to corporate social responsibility : Strong analytical , writing and documentation skills proved through minimum of
two relevant reports or publications produced in the area ; • Experience in facilitating interview / FGDs with multiple stakeholders and produc
ing position paper from the findings identified under this research . • Fluency in English and Arabic is mandatory Prerequisites for accepting Consultants / firms Financial offer :
Prices must be VAT exempted . Otherwise 5 % income tax deduction from the total
cost for local individuals who are not registered at official quarters . • The Consultancy firms must provide a valid deduct from source certificate along
with the offer . • Prices must be in US Dollars valid for 30 days from the closing date of proposal
submission . • Prices must include all expenses related to this consultancy e . g . travel , stationary .
per diems . . . etc Technical and financial price offers must be submitted in a sealed envelope to ActionAid Palestine main office in Hebron no later than 3 : 00 p . m . on Saturday 13th of July 2019 , the address is at Al Salam St , Behind Taj Mahal Hall , Hebron , Palestine . Interested applicants can request the Terms of Reference by sending an e - mail to Tony Bero @ actionaid . org starting on Tuesday 2nd July until Tuesday 9th July 2019 from 09 : 00 - 15 : 30 excluding Friday and Sunday .