البنك الإسلامي للتنمية
Islamic Development Banh
V /
Procurement Notice
INVITATION TO BID Subject : Procurement of Medical Equipment for Alia Governmental Hospital - Hebron , and for Beit Jala Governmental Hospital - Beit Jala
Reference Number : ITB - 2019 - PAL - 73926 The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People ( UNDP / PAPP ) is implementing the " Support to Health Sector in the West Bank " project funded by the Arab Monetary Fund through the Islamic Development Bank . UNDP / PAPP calls for bids / offers from eligible suppliers for the supply and installation of medical equipment under subject , fully described in the bidding documents . The bidding documents concerning this Invitation To Bid ( ITB ) can be examined and obtained free of charge from the following website :
http : / / procurement - notices . undp . org / view _ notice . cfm ? notice _ id = 57256 Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through the online tendering system of UNDP . Bidders who wish to submit an offer must be registered in the system . Instructions for registration of interested bidders are found with the bidding documents .