دولة فلسطين وزارة المالية والتخطيط مديرية اللوازم العامة
Consulting Services for Education Sector Dead line : 20 : 08 . 2019 at 11 : 00 am ( palestine ) Country : state of Palestine Ref . - No : MOE - GSD / JFA / 2019 / 107 Prequalification Ref : Local open tender for consulting services under the Joint Financing Arrangement to the Ministry of Education ( Education Program II ) Tenderer : Ministry of Education Project Measures ; The Education Program of German Financial Cooperation concerns the funding of the implementation of the MEHE ' s Education Development Strategic Plan ( EDSP ) 2014 - 2019 . It is part of a basket financing with financial support also from Norway , Finland , Ireland & Belgium Requested services : contracting with company for a financial & Compliance Audit of the Education Development Strategic Plan ( EDSP ) . The prequalification of experienced Consultants is subject to the regulations contained in the " Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Co . operation Projects " ( See www . kfw - entwicklungsbank . de ) . The contract will be awarded to an independent Consultant firm with proven experience . A complete set of the prequalification documents in English can be downloaded from the GSD website www . gs . pmof . ps and may be purchased by interested consultant . The payment of a nonrefundable fee of " $ 100 " per copy must be paid in the MOFP bank account " Bank of Palestine ( 219000 / 49 ) " before the submission deadline . Your Expression of interest must be delivered to the address below At or before 20 / 08 / 2019 at 11 : 00 am . Head of Central Tendering committee General Supplies Department ( GSD ) Ministry of Finance and Planning ( MOFP ) . Al - Masyoon State of Palestine Tel : 02 - 2987112 / 3 Fax : 02 - 2987056