Implemented by
Deutsche Gesellschaft
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Train the Trainers Programme ( TTT )
Request for quotation • Procurement of Electrical Appliances and ACs for
TVET units at 5 Schools in West Bank GIZ " Train the Trainers Programme - NORAD Co - finance " The TTT programme is a 3 - year programme ( June 2017 - Jun 2020 ) that aims at improving the pedagogical qualification of the training staff at vocational schools and vocational training centers and in private sector companies ; as improved quality of teaching increases the employability of vocational school graduates , thereby reducing the existing gap between labor market demand and supply . TTT is implemented by GIZ in partner ship with the Palestinian Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education and Higher Education in West Bank and Gaza . In December 2018 , the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Norwe gian Agency for Development Cooperation ( NORAD ) have entered into an agreement where by NORAD provided co - finance to the TTT towards quality training for young Palestinian women and men . The NORAD CO finance will expand the services provided by TTT through providing extra capacity development measures , tools and equipment to TVET units in the general education public schools and providing training facilities for TVET teachers .
GIZ is currently seeking qualified locally registered vendors to supply Electrical Appliances and ACs for TVET units at 5 Schools in West Bank Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quotations for the provision of the listed specified items . Interested companies can download the inquiry documents start ing 10 . 09 . 2019 through 23 . 09 . 2019 from our tendering website https : / / tender . gizpal . ps ) a . Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS _ Quotation @ giz . de no later
than 26 . 09 . 2019 before 15 : 00 . Bids submitted in original or to a differ
ent e - mail address , will be refused . Late offers will not be considered .