French Development Agency
( 11 ) Me
Request for Expression of Interest
RFQ : RDP - 010 / 19 Development of Records Management and Data Entry
for the Project Management Unit - PMU at MOLG • Upon request of the Palestinian Authority ( PA ) , the AFD has decided to
fund a project “ Rural Development Project in Area C - RDP " targeting communities in Area C of the Jordan Valley , for a total amount of 5 M EUR of which 1 M EURO co - finances infrastructure projects under " Access to essential Social and Public Infrastructure in Area C " project implement by the EU . As part of the activities of the " Ministry of Local Government ( MoLG ) under the RDP Project , and as part of Capacity Building Support provided by the project to enhance the role of MoLG in leading development in Area C , the project is currently seeking to receive " Expression of Interests from qualified consulting firms with experience in the field of " Records and Data Management " to implement a one year assignment at the PMU at MoLG HQ in Al Bireh . The purpose of the assignment will be to be develop a records and document management system with electronic archiving and data entry to help digitize , and record all relevant information related projects documents ( tender documents including - BoQs , specifications , designs and finances ) . Following the design and implementation of the system , the consulting firm is expected to help and train relevant staff at the PMU at MOLG in the use of the system , including providing personal for data entry and registration of all relevant historical and new records ( for estimated 8 months ) . Interested consulting firms are to submit a letter of intent for bidding , highlighting the firm ' s relevant related to the scope of the assignment . At least 2 similar projects implemented within the last five years ( preferably with the public sector ) are to be referenced . Only short - listed firms will be provided with a complete set of RFP
documents . • The winner will pay the advertising fees .
Field of Work
Deadline for Submission
Information Management / Business Development Records and Document Management 23 September 2019 at 11 : 00 AM ( local time ) , at Ministry of Local Government . By Hand : Ministry of Local Government , Project Management Unit / RDP Project Tel : + 970 2 240 1092 , Fax : + 970 2 240 1091 , Jawwal : 0599746460 P . O . Box : 731 Palestine , Al - Bireh Ramallah Or via email : s . salameh100 @ gmail . com