مادول تطون واقرفر الشركات السحايا
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Small Works
( One - Envelape kidding Picus )
Municipality of Khuza ' a Country : Palestine Name of Project Gaza Vulnerable Communities Development Project Contract Title : Development and Tuing of intemal Roads - Khuzalo Municipality RFB Reference No . : GVC01 . 1 . 5 The Palestine Uberation Organization for the benefit of the Palestinian National Authority ( PNA ) , has recelved an Inilal financing from SDC , GIZ towards the cost of the Gora Vulnerable Communities Development Project GVCDP . 1 . Municipality of Kouza ' s how invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for
Development and Thing of laternal Roads - Khuza ' s Municipality 2 . Bidding will be conducted through national competitive procurement using
a Request for Bids ( RFB ) as specified in the World Bank ' s " Procurement Regulations for IPF Berrywers July 2016 ( " Procurement Regulations " )
and is open to all Ridders as defined in the Procurement Regulations . 3 . Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information froid
Municipality of Khuza ' . Project and Organization Department , ENG . Ismail El - Shawaf , Fax : ( 18 - 2085005 ) , Tel : ( 08 - 2084077 / 08 - 2084488 ) , and inspect the bidding document during office boun 8 : 00 AM to 12 : 00 P . M .
from September 30 , 2019 to October 30 , 2019 at the address given below . 14 . The submission of written application to the address below and upon
payment of a nonrefundable fee of 100 USD ( S ) . The method of payment
will be in a Cashier ' s Check . 5 . nids must be delivered to the address below on or before October 30 , 2019
- 12 : 00 ones . Electronic Bidding will not be permitted . Late Bids will be reject it . Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders ' desigantel representatives and anyone wbo chooses to attend at the address
below on October 30 , 2019 - 12 : 00 nou . 6 All Bidy jst be accompanied by a bid scurity of 6 , 000 USD ( 5 ) and shall
be valid for 118 days after bid closing date . 7 . Gratis VAT included , bidders to price with VAT . 8 . A Site Visit and Pre - Bid Meeting : Contractors are invited to attend the site
Walt which will be held on Wednesday : October 20 , 2019 at 10 : 00 A . M . , the pre - hid meeting shall be held at Municipality of Khuza ' s at the address
given below after finishing site visit . 9 . The address referred to above is : Manicipality of Khuza ' s , Project and Organization Department , First Floor , ENG . Ismail El - Shawal
Mayor of Khura ' a