9 / 01 ( S ) -
Invitation to Tender
Furnishing 5 classrooms at the Ramallah Friends
School - Upper School Campus
The Ramallah Friends School , Ramallah / Al - Bireh , is imple menting a project for the furnishing of 5 classrooms at the Auditorium Building - Upper School Campus . The Tender is open for all companies specialized in office / educational furniture . The tender is composed of ready - made furniture . • Tender Documents can be collected at the Ramallah
Friends School ( Upper School Campus / Head of School Office - AlBireh , Tel 02 - 2958320 ) starting from Monday 07 / 10 / 2019 and ending on Saturday 12 / 10 / 2019 for a non refundable amount of $ 50 . Tenders shall be valid for 90 days and must be accom panied by a Tender guarantee of $ 3 , 000 in the form of a bank guarantee or a certified cheque for the benefit of the Ramallah Friends School . Tenders shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and deliv ered in hard and soft copies to the Head of School Office at the Ramallah Friends School ( Upper School Campus - El - Bireh ) on or before Saturday 26 / 10 / 2019 at 12 : 00 P . M . The Ramallah Friends School is not bound to accept the lowest priced tender or any tender submitted . Cost of the notice of invitation for bid in the newspaper will be paid by the winning bidder .