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Invitation for Bids
International Public Tender Project Name : Construction of Irrigation Networks
in Northern Gaza for Zone A1 - 500ha
IFB No : PWA / AFD / 2019039 - ICTD The Palestinian Waster Authority ( PWA ) has received funds from the Agence Française de Développement ( the French Development Agency ) towards the cost of Construction of Irrigation Networks in Northern Gaza for Zone Al - 500ha . It is intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Construction of Irrigation Networks in Northern Gaza for Zone Al - 500ha . The Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders - joint ventures ( Palestinian contractors of Grade « l » with valid classification from the Palestinian National Classification Committee in the field of water and wastewater who meets the post qualification criteria and requirements in the Bidding Documents ) for Construction of Irrigation Networks in Northern Gaza for Zone Al - 500ha ( " the Works " ) . Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of PWA as mentioned below ( Address No . 1 ) . A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders starting on Sunday 132019 / 10 / until Sunday 272019 / 10 / from the Central Tendering Department at the address 2 shown below and upon payment of a non - refundable 300 EURO or any equivalent amount in any convertible currency . The method of payment will be direct bank transfer to PWA Project account in the Bank of Palestine IBAN No . PS65PALS045802190000013001094 . A Pre - bid meeting shall take place at 11 o ' clock on Sunday 10 / 112019 / at the office of Palestinian Water Authority , Projects Management Directorate ( Address No . 1 ) . Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in both . Last day for receiving inquiries is on Sunday 172019 / 11 / , and the last day for answering inquiries is on Sunday 242019 / 11 / . Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of tender opening , and must be accompanied by bid security of Two Hundred Thousand ( 200 , 000
EURO valid for a period of 150 days from the date of opening tenders until 62020 / 5 / ) . Bids must be delivered to the Central Tendering Department at the address 2 shown below on or before 12 : 00pm local time on Monday 092019 / 12 ) . Late bids will be rejected ; Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders ' representatives who choose to attend at 12 : 00pm local time on Monday 092019 / 12 / at the offices of the Central Tendering Department at the address 2 shown below .
Address 1 : For Information Palestinian Water Authority Project Management , Directorate building , Al Rasheed Street Opposite Chalets Resort , VIP Building , 5th flour , Gaza City , , Palestine Attn : Eng . Sadi Ali PMU General Director Tel : + 972 - 8 - 264 - 4071 Fax : + 72 - 8 - 264 - 4072 E - mail : Sali @ pwa - gpmu . org
Address 2 : For Submission Ministry of Public Works and Housing Central Tendering Department Um Al Sharayet , Al Ameen Square Al Bireh , West Bank , Palestine Attn : Eng . Saeed Abu Zaid Acting / General Director Tel : + 970 2 296 6006 / 7 Fax : + 970 2 298 8582 Mobile : + 970 592979098 E - mail : ctd @ mpwh . pna . ps abuzaidsaeed @ yahoo . com
Note : All expenses related to advertisement shall be paid by the Winner bidder