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Procurement Notice Request for Quotation
SUBJECT : Renovation of Schools in Area C - Community Resilience and Development
Programme ( CRDP ) Reference Number : RFQ - PAL - 2019 - 80957
The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People ( UNDP / PAPP ) calls for online bids from eligible contractors for the implementation of works under subject , fully described in the bidding documents . The complete bidding documents concerning this call for bids are available in the eTendering Online System . For details , please visit the following web - site : http : / / procurement - notices . undp . org / view _ notice .
cfm ? notice _ id = 59781 Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through the online e Tendering system of UNDP . Bidders who wish to obtain the tender documents and submit an offer must be registered in the system . Instructions for registration are found on the website referenced above .