Programme for Access to Labor Market ( PALM )
Request for quotation
Procurement of Furniture ° GIZ “ Programme for Access to Labor Market " The newly designed Program for Access to Labour Market ( PALM ) will help to improve the employment situation through comprehensive measures of active labour market policy . In its three years ( April 2019 - April 2021 ) the program will seek to support the promotion of wage and self - employment through the implementation of training and counseling measures as well as enabling the local stakeholders to gather labour market information as a basis for the development of new employment services . The PALM is commissioned by the German BMZ and implemented by MOL , GIZ and further partners in the West Bank and Gaza .
Due to the finalization of the predecessor projects in the area of TVET and employment promotion the PALM will be purchase new furniture for its office and staff . GIZ is currently seeking qualified locally registered vendors to supply Furniture Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quotations for the provision of the required items . Interested companies can download the inquiry documents starting 16 . 10 . 2019 through 04 . 11 . 2019 from our tendering website http : https : / / tender . gizpal . ps Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS _ Quotation @ giz . de no later than 07 . 11 . 2019 before 15 : 00 . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be refused . Late offers will not be considered