تسجيل الدخول
Social Assessment Lead Consultant

Terms of Reference - Social Assessment Lead Consultant

1 . Background

The project will only involve soft activities for land registration and hence will not involve any construction activities or rehabilitation of infrastructure . The project activities are not expected to cause any significant direct or indirect environmental impacts . However , there are some social risks involved that need to be addressed . Accordingly , this TOR is prepared for the preparation of the Social Impact Assessment ( SIA ) that will be the bases for the Social Management Plan ( SMP ) . SIA is prepared to investigate social impacts / risks , related to the project and provide mitigation measures to address them . SIA and then SMP will include a robust GRM system with detailed roles and responsibilities .

2 . Objective of the Assessment

The objective of the assessment is to identify project design elements that contribute to a socially inclusive and beneficiary - responsive land administration and tenure security project . The objective will be achieved by identifying relevant barriers , constraints , and potential impacts facing vulnerable groups and providing recommendations to remove barriers and mitigate impacts . In addition , the SIA will obtain information on attitudes and perceptions of registration and attendant services . Where necessary , the social impact assessment will suggest areas for further social diagnostic work that may be required to clarify the situation in West Bank and Gaza . Finally , it will assess the existing Grievance Readdress Mechanism ( GRM ) within PLA and LWSC and provide a detailed project specific GRM .

The SIA is the basis for the preparation of the SMP in which all the mitigation measures are provided as actions and if those actions require budget , an indicative budget and the timeline for the implementation will be included in the SMP .

3 . Expected Outputs

The Consultant will prepare a report in English and to be translated into Arabic after review and clearance , which will include , but will not be limited to the following sections : an executive summary , introduction and background , objectives , methodology , analysis and findings , and recommendations ( outreach and awareness , grievance redress mechanisms , participatory mechanisms , institutional structure , customer service , indicators , baseline data , etc . ) . Relevant graphs , tables , and maps should be included as well as annexes with relevant detailed information .

All the above will be the basis for the SMP that includes a number of actions based on the above findings and actions with the timeline for each action , responsible entity / staff for each action , budget . if needed .

Consultant ' s Services

The Consultant will be responsible for preparing the SIA and SMP , including , but not be limited to :
i . Define the scope of the social impact assessment in consultation with LWSC and PLA and produce an inception report . ii . Literature review and design the assessment approach including formulation of detailed guidelines for qualitative tools ( these may
include interviews , focus groups , case studies , etc . ) . iii . Field execution of the qualitative assessment including focus groups , interviews , etc . iv . Data analysis , write - ups and preparation of the draft final and final reports .


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University degree in social sciences ( e . g . , sociology , political science , international relations , communications ) , jurisprudence , economics , urban and regional planning , land administration / tenure , or other similar subjects is required : At least 7 years of proven working experience in the field of social development and data collection with qualitative methods . Proven capacity in analyzing qualitative data , producing clearly written and well - presented outputs , and communicating results to partners , stakeholders and donors ( writing samples will be requested ) is required Experience with internationally - supported development projects related to property / land reform , institutional development , related legal aspects , and other topics of relevance to the assignment : Computer skills , and fluency in written and spoken English language are required ;

The Consultant Team Leader will work under the guidance of these TOR and will report to Project Managers at the LWSC and PLA and also coordinate with the Bank ' s Task Team Leader for periodic inputs and guidance - including experienced persons with skills and qualifications to conduct social analysis and local consultations . The assignment may require more than one lead consultant . In this case , the Assessment should have one Team Leader and a number of experts as required . The details will have to be specified in the Inception Report that would be submitted by one week of the assignment along with the other requirements detailed below .

Deliverables The consultancy assignment is expected to be completed within a maximum of 35 days from the day of contract signing . The table below is an illustrative presentation of the consultancy schedule and deliverables .

Week Main Activities

Preparation of the inception report and detailed work plan .

Deliverables and Timing Inception report and work plan to be submitted within 10 days after commencement of the assignment . To be submitted within 15 days after commencement of the assignment .

Literature review . preparation of qualitative survey design .

Qualitative data collection : data analysis and preliminary report . Final report .

To be submitted within 25 days of commencement of assignment . Final report with comments addressed to be submitted within 5 days after receiving comments from the LWSC , PLA and the Bank . This will be submitted along the final draft .


Submission and presentation of inception report

Selected Consultant ( s ) will be required to prepare , submit and present an inception report that : ( i ) Demonstrates that the Consultant understands the overall scope and nature of the Social Assessment preparation work , and what will be
required to respond satisfactorily to each component of the TOR : ( ii ) Demonstrates that the Consultant has relevant and appropriate experience to carry out all components of the TOR ( H ) Describes the overall methodology for carrying out each component of the TOR , including data collection and analysis methods , and ( iv ) Provides a detailed initial plan of work and outputs .

Reporting : The Consultant ( s ) shall report to the PLA and LWSC | Mr . Amro Naser ) .

Application Submission : Interested candidates are requested to visit the following URL address http : / / mobpla . pna . ps / jobs . aspx to review the full of details ToR then send their CVs and a cover letter to the Palestinian Land Authority - The International Relations and Projects Unit , at the email address which is you can find it in the full of details ToR . The closing date for applying is COB of November 28 , 2019 . Please clearly indicate the position to which you are applying in the subject line of your email .

Musa Shakarneh PLA and LWSC Chairman