میاد بلدياتور
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Invitation for Bids ( IFB ) Bid Name : Supply of Spare Parts and Providing Filling Points for Brackish Ro
Plants - Gaza Strip .
Bid No . : CMWU - OXFAM NS G 02 - 12 / 2019 1 . The Coastal Municipalities Water Utility ( CMWU ) has received a grant from the European Union through
Oxfam toward the cost of strengthening and enhancing the effectiveness of the public and private sectors to provide sustainable and safe drinking water in the Gaza strip , and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under contract for Supply of Spare Parts and Providing Filling Points for Brackish Ro Plants - Gaza Strip . The CMWU is interested in execution and supervision of the implementation of the Project . A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be obtained by interested bidders from CMWU main office ( Address mentioned below ) starting from 01st December 2019 ( from 08 : 30 AM to 3 : 30 PM from Sunday
to Thursday ) , E - mail : cmwu @ cmwu . ps . 3 . Pre - bid conference will be held on Thursday , 05 December 2019 at 10 : 00 AM at CMWU main office . 4 . Bids shall remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for receipt of bids .
Bids must be accompanied by a bid security of 1 , 500 . 00 Euro ( or equivalent ) valid for 120 days after the dead line for receipt of bids . Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday 11th December 2019 at 13 : 00 PM , Electronic bidding will not be permitted . Late bids will be rejected . Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders ' representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 13 : 00 PM , Wednesday , 11
December 2019 . 7 . bids received after the closing time will be rejected . 8 . The contractor should provide a stamped ( Zero - VAT ) invoice . 9 . CMWU reserves the right to award batches separately or in any combination . 10 . The CMWU is not committed to the lowest bid price and under no obligation to accept any tender . 11 . The cost of announcement will be paid by the successful bidder . 12 . The address referred to above is :
Coastal Municipalities Water Utility ( CMWU ) Palestine University St . , Al Zahraa City , Second Floor . Procurement Department , Gaza City , Palestinian State
Tel . : + 970 - 8 - 2632060 Fax : + 970 - 8 - 2632020
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