Empowered lives Resilient nations .
Procurement Notice
Invitation to Bid SUBJECT : Procurement and Supply of Safety & Security Equip
ment Reference Number : ITB - 2019 - PAL - 85880
The United Nations Development Programme / Programme of As sistance to the Palestinian People ( UNDP / PAPP ) calls for online bids from eligible suppliers for the supply of Safety and Security Equip ment , fully described in the technical specifications .
The complete bidding documents concerning this call for bids are available in the eTendering Online System . Event ID PAL10 - 0000005015
https : / / etendering . partneragencies . org For Guide on submitting bids on eTendering , please visit UNDP Global Procurement website : http : / / procurement - notices . undp . org / view _ notice . cfm ? notice _ id = 61929