بادارة وتنفيذ
بتنسيق مع
بالشراكة مع
ممول من
برنامج الادارة المستدامة والوصول الشامل لمصادر الارض والمياه بيدر
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Invitation to Tender Developing Quality Management System prior to
conducting ISO9001 : 2015
Reference # W021 - 2019 Union of Agricultural Work Committees ( UAWC ) is managing a programme entitled « the inclusive Access to and sustainable Management of Land and Water Resources " which is funded by the Netherlands Representative Office in Ramallah in cooperation with partner organizations Palestinian Hydrology Group ( PHG ) , Economic and Social Development Center ( ESDC ) and Land Research Center ( LRC ) . Within this programme UAWC has the honor to invite you to participate in this tender , which intends to develop Quality management system for the 3 consortium members . Those who are interested in participating in the mentioned tender should col lect the tender documents from UAWC ' s office in Ramallah , Hebron & Nablus for a sum of 50 $ for the tender fees , between 8 : 30 am and 3 : 00 p . m , starting from Sunday 15th of December 2019 till Thursday 19th of December 2019 . Please note that Friday and Saturday are UAWC ' s offical days off . The tender documents shall be returned to UAWC ' s office in Ramallah in a sealed enve lope , no later than Tuseday 24th of December 2019 before 10 : 00 a . m . Notes : 1 . The advertisment fees should be paid by the winner bidder . 2 . Bidders " including individuals ” should obtain a certified bank guarantee
or bank check equals to 5 % of the offered bid , this guarantee must be valid for 45 days after the deadline of tenders ' submission ; personal cheques will
not be accepted . Otherwise the tender will be neglected . 3 . Tenderers should provide a valid deduction from source & the registration
certificate . The winner should provide a vat exempted invoice . 4 . The Bidding Committee is not restricted or restrained to accept the lowest
prices . 5 . Tender opening session will be held on Tuseday 24th of December 2019 at
10 : 30 a . m . 6 . The bidder should submit separate envelopes for both technical & financial
offers and the technical offer should include a soft copy " CD " . 7 . For more information about the tender , tenderers can call 02 - 2421712 .