جمعية مركز برح اللقلق المجتمعي
Burj LuqLug Social Center Society
Invitation for Expression of Interest
Prequalification of Bidders for the year 2020
REF : 205 / 2019
Date : 17 / 12 / 2019
The notice is placed on behalf of Burj Al Luluq Social Center Society . BALL accepts no responsibility from any consequences arising from this invitation . BALL staff not able to answer any quires relating to this invitation . Please direct your written queries to the email : info @ burjalluqluq . com
BALL would like to invite specialized , eligible , well experienced , and local suppliers , vendors without any responsibility on BALL side , to submit their qualification papers for providing :
1 . Tourist Transport Services 2 . Printing Materials 3 . Graphic Design 4 . Sports equipment ' s and clothes 5 . Cleaning tools and supplies
BALL is participatory interest in identifying competitive sources that can offer the complete range of services
1 . Application Interested companies / suppliers are requested to send a letter of interest along with the required documents listed in clause 2 to the email : info @ burjalluqluq . org
Latest date for sending the letter with required documents to the email is 1 - 1 - 2020
2 . Required documents : I . Copies of valid legal documents ( commercial registration , related permissions , tax
registration certificate , etc . ) II . Company profile
Evidence for the operation in the relevant field for at least 3 years and Supporting
work orders / contracts for similar work to be attached . IV . Indicating readiness to provide any further documents / guarantees that might be
needed later on . 3 . Important notes :
Only companies / suppliers fulfilling the requirements listed in clause 2 will be considered in further purchase process .
According to requirements , BALL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all or cancel the process without any obligation to inform the affected applicants of the ground for the acceptance , rejection , or cancellation .
Jerusalem - Old City - Bab Hutta P . oBox 20894 upaba ub - coaällöalallwall f facebook . combujalugu . org ( + 972 2 627 7626 972 2 828 4363 info @ burjaluda org www . burjalugu . org