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State of Palestine
Environment Quality Authority
State of Palestine Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) Request for Expression of Interest ( REOI )
Individual Consultant Services Improving the Capacity of Stakeholders in the Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes
Ref . No ( EQA / SPEAP / 2019 / 008 ) Date issued : December 23th , 2019 Purchasing entity : Environment Quality Authority The Goverment of Palestine represented by the Environment Quality Authority ( EQA ) has received financing from the Swedish International Cooperation Agency ( SIDA ) towards the cost of the program « Strengthening Palestinian Environmental Action Plan » , SIDA Contribution number 52110101 . Under the overall program goal to improve the environmental protection in Palestine , EQA intends to apply part of the grant for Individual consultant services under the contract titled " Improving the Capacity of Stakeholders in the Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes " . Duty station will be Ramallah with travel to West Bank Govemorates for conducting training workshops . The EQA now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services . Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services ( CV , cover letter , and other supporting documents ) . In order to evaluate the most suitable candidate on the same evaluation basis , we invite you to fill the Curriculum Vitae ( CV ) form available at : http : / / environment . pna . ps / ar / files / f2019CVForm . docx The consultant will provide the services described in the Terms of Reference which is available at the following link : http : / / environment . pna . ps / ar / files / tor ( hw ) . pdf Further information can be obtained from Eng . Ruba Abdul Hadi at Tel : 02 - 2403495 / 8 or Mobile : 0568870039 , from 8 : 30AM to 2 : 30 PM Jerusalem time . Expressions of interest shall be delivered by Tuesday 31 December 2019 at 2 : 3 PM to the following E - mail addresses , with mentioning Hazardous Materials Consultancy in the subject line : info @ environment . pna . ps isseyam9 @ yahoo . com Advertisement fees shall be covered by the selected consultant . Engineer Adalah Atteereh Chairman of Environment Quality Authority