cesve Alliance 2015
Invitation for Bids
Project Title : « Promotion of sustainable growth in Palestine through an environ
mentally safe , innovative and economically valuable treatment of
WEEE ( Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment ) Project Code : NEAR - TS / 2016 / 381 - 674 Financed by : EUROPEAN UNION Cesvi Internal Code : MEPSE0023 Cesvi Procedure Code : MEPSE0023 / OLT / 01
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Cesvi is an international NGO , with headquarters in Italy , operating in Palestine . Cesvi - in partnership with North Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( NH CCI , lead applicant ) and Green Land Society for Health Development ( GLSHD , CO applicant ) - has received a grant from the European Union for the implementation of a humanitarian aid operation , under contract NEAR - TS / 2016 / 381 - 674 . The action aims at promoting environmentally clean , safe , innovative and economi cally valuable waste from electrical and electronic equipment ( WEEE ) treatment in West Bank Cesvi invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Construction ( civil works , electrical works and mechanical works ) of WEEE treatment facility in Idhna Municipality - Hebron Governorate - in accordance to drawings , specifica tions bill of quantities and conditions of contract related to the project . The construc tion should be finalized by the end of June 2020 . All interested bidders should pursue the following bidding conditions : 1 . Eligible bidders should be registered at the VAT and Customs Departments and
should provide with their VAT registration number and financial clearance cer
tificate 2 . Eligible bidders should be registered with the Palestinian Union of Con
tractors : Class : 3 and above
Field : Construction buildings / Electrical works 3 . Qualification requirements are presented in the bidding documents . 4 . Interested bidders can get the bidding documents during working days from
20 . 01 to 30 . 01 . 2020 : - In hard copy from CESVI office in Halhul - Al - Rayan Building ( 3rd floor )
during working time 9 . 00 - 12 . 00 am - In soft copy by sending a mail of request to CESVI mail :
cesvitender @ cesvioverseas . org 5 . Bids must be delivered to CESVI office in Halhul within Sunday 09 . 02 . 2020 at
12 . 00 am . Electronic bidding will not be permitted . Late bids will be rejected . 6 . Bidders are invited to attend a site visit on Sunday 02 . 02 . 2020 at 10 . 00 am . The
meeting shall be held at the Environmental Educational Center in Idhna . 7 . Bids will be opened on Monday 10 . 02 . 2020 at 10 . 00 am at CESVI office in
Halhul . Bidders can attend . For further information , please contact : Eng . Simone Balboni Ph 0597 - 300746 Mail : cesvitender @ cesvioverseas . org