Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group
Announcement for the Second Time Consulting Services for Soil Survey and Soil Maps in Pal
estine and Jordan Expression of Interest 01E01 / 2019 / PWEG
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Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group ( PWEG ) has been awarded as a Lead Partner ( LP ) the imple mentation of the project Mediterranean Integrated System for Water Supply ( MEDISS ) , this project addresses the issue of improving the quality of saline groundwater present in the MED area opening up alternative irrigation for higher quality and more diversified cultivations . According to the features and specific needs of the partner areas , Palestine ( Jordan Valley ) , Jordan ( Aqaba Governorate ) , Italy ( Arbo rea ) and Tunisia ( Gabes ) , MEDISS tests innovative solutions in use of treated wastewaters ( TWW ) and desalination of brackish water , the project is funded by the European Union and is managed by Region Sardinia ( Italy ) . The project foresees the preparation of soil surveys and soil maps both in the Jordan and Araba Valleys respectively in Palestine and Jordan . The service includes but not limited to a basic soil survey of the 2 areas ( 400 ha in Palestine , 400 ha in Jordan ) . The soil study will involve a series of activities , both of desk and in the field ( information and data collection , photo - interpretation , soil field survey , soil samples collection , soil lab analyses , soil ' s water balance computation , data reporting ) . The soil study results will provide information necessary for a correct approach for managing water and agricultural resources , soil monitoring during the implementation phase of the project and agronomic study . PWEG hereby invites applicants to show their interest in delivering services having to do with soil survey and soil mapping in the Jordan and Araba Valleys . This expression of interest is open for consulting firms and organizations having experience in soil surveys and soil mapping . The applicant shall present only one application either in its own name or as a member of a Joint Venture ( JV ) . If an Applicant ( including any JV member ) submits or participates in more than one application , those ap plications shall be rejected . However , the same sub consultant may participate in several applications . If the applicant is a JV , the Expression of Interest must include : • Copy of the JV agreement entered into by all members ;
• A letter of interest to execute a JV agreement , signed by all members together with a copy of the
agreement proposal . In the absence of this document , the other members will be considered as subconsultants . Experiences and qualifications of the sub consultants will not be taken into consideration in the evaluation of the application . Interested applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and expe rienced to perform those services . For that purpose , documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted . The number of similar experiences presented in the expression of interest is strictly limited to 10 ( for single consultant or JV ) . Beyond 10 , additional experiences will not be analyzed . Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on :
The contracts size . The nature of the services , ( detailed soil study and soil survey , soil mapping , agronomy studies ) . The technical area and expertise .
The location in the region " . PWEG will also take into account in the evaluation of the applications the following items :
Skills and the availability " in - house " of technical back up experts provided for the on - site experts . No CV must be presented in the expression of interest application .
Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the applicant ISO 9001 etc . Expression of interest should not exceed 60 pages maximum . Among the shortlisted applications PWEG will short list a maximum of 6 ( six ) applicants , to whom the request for proposal to carry out the services shall be sent . The expression of interest shall be sent to the attention of Ms . Amal Orabi at the following e mail : amal @ palweg . org no later than February 10th 2020 at 12 : 00 pm local time .