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م راه بیمه ملتوني و المشار
Women ' Center for Legal Aldunde
Consultancy Services External Evaluation : Promote women ' s access to social and legal
services in the West Bank and East Jerusalem Women Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling and UN Trust Fund
The Women ' s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling ( WCLAC ) is an independent Pales tinian , not - for - profit , non - governmental organization that seeks to develop a democratic Palestinian society based on the principles of gender equality and social justice . WCLAC aims to address the causes and consequences of gender - based violence within the Palestin ian community as well as the gender - specific effects of increasing militarization associated with the Israeli occupation . WCLAC is implementing a three years project Promote women ' s access to social and legal services in the West Bank and East Jerusalem funded by UN Trust Fund from March 1st , 2017 till February 29th , 2020 . The project responds to WCLAC strategic goal to promote women ' s access to their legal and social rights . This evaluations comes towards the end of this project through contracting an external consultant to define whether the project man aged to achieve its objectives and results and to provide us with findings and recommen dations to inform decision - making and good practices to focus on in new interventions , lessons learned . Individual consultants or consultancy firms interested in applying can have the full Terms of Reference by contacting us at info @ wclac . org ( please add External Evaluation ToR in the subject ) Interested consultants or consultancy firms are invited to submit their technical and finan cial offers in a sealed envelope no later than February 8th , 2020 @ 14 : 00 to WCLAC office in Ramallah - Batn El - Hawa during working hours ( from 8 : 00 - 15 : 00 ) except Fridays and Sundays .