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Action Against Hunger tackles the causes and effects of hunger and diseases that threaten the lives of vulnerable children , women and men . Established in France in 1979 , Action Against Hunger is a nongovernmental , non - political , non - religious , non - profit or ganization . Action Against Hunger has been working in the Pales tinian Territory since 2002 . Action Against Hunger , would like to invite eligible contractors to submit their price offers for Frame work Agreement for the supply and delivery of food assistance kits Reference ( PI - HB - 01264 ) according to the following condi tions : -
Eligible contractor should be registered with the VAT and customs department and has the ability to provide Zero VAT invoice to Action Against Hunger with their VAT Number registration and financial clearance certificate . Eligible contractor can request the quotation request docu ments by sending an email to rowaywi @ pt . acfspain . org starting from Saturday , April 18th , 2020 at 1 : 00 pm ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) . The last day to distribute quotation requests documents is on Tuesday , 21st April 2020 at 04 : 00 ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) . For any question or any further clarification , you can send an email to rowaywi @ pt . acfspain . org no later than Tuesday 21st of April 2020 at 1 : 00 pm . All questions and clarifica tions will be consolidated in one letter and sent to all con tractors in the same day no later than 4 : 00 pm . No further clarification will be provided after this date . Eligible contractors should submit their offers by email to be sent to rowaywi @ pt . acfspain . org no later than Wednesday 22nd of April , 2020 at 01 : 00 pm ( local time of the Palestinian Territory ) Action Against Hunger has the right to postpone , cancel , ex tend or split the quotation request and to award the lots to different contractors . Preparation and newspaper announcement fees will be paid by the quotation winner . The prices excluding VAT and the contractor should issue Zero VAT invoice .