تشتركة أريحا لصناعة الاسمنت
Jericho Cement Industry Co.
PU0042020 Tender Invitation for The Supply of Paper Bags
Jericho Cement Industry Company ( JCIC ) works in the field of filling and packing the cement to fulfill the needs of the Palestinian market in all types of cement . And is working on developing the constructional sector and considered one of the main pillars in economic development in Palestine . Towards ' this goal , we would like to invite Paper Bags suppliers / manufacturers to submit their proposals as per tender instructions . Interested Companies can address their interest of participation by writing to the email inquiry@sanad.ps by maximum June 14th , 2020 titled with subject of ( PU0042020 - Interest in Participation ) indicating participant contact information ( Company name , mobile number , contact person name ) . Vendors shall commit to the deadlines and conditions mentioned in the tender document , knowing that participants will be asked to submit security bid with the amount of ( $ 23,000 ) and to deliver a real samples of Paper Bags to JCIC address before tender closing date .