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Request for Expression of Interest
Software Company VNG is implementing Resilience Development ( ARD ) Initiative Project . The project is largely co - financed by the European Union which aims at enhancing Palestinian Local Authorities contribution to governance and development processes in Area C , and partially funded by IDEAL- Palestine Programme , which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs . ARD project aims at improving Khalet Al Maya Villages council capacities in providing services , promoting local economic develop ment and in contributing to the territorial development integration . Assignment Objective The key objective of this assignment is to Implement multi - com ponent Municipal Management Information System for Khalet Al Maya villages council , South Hebron , West Bank , Palestinian Ter ritory . Deliverables The software company should implement fully functioning :
Financial Management Information System ; Human Resources Management Information System , and ;
Citizen Service Centre Management System . VNG invites interested and qualified Software Company to request a copy of the detailed TOR and indicate their interest in providing the required services by sending an « Expression of Interest » email to : saleh.k@vng.nl , by COB , Sunday , 07 June 2020 .
Saleh Khalailah ARD Initiative Project Manager