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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
UAWC Invitation to Tender Develop business plans - Reference # 12-2020 The Union of Agricultural Work Committees ( UAWC ) In partner ship with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN ( FAO ) , within the project “ Multi - donor Agribusiness Programme ( MAP ) entitled " Reform and Development of Markets , Value Chains and Producers ' Organizations ” in the West Bank and Gaza Strip ( WBGS ) , UAWC has the honor to invite you to participate in this tender , which intends to Develop 3 Business plans for 3 consortia of producer organizations . Those who are interested in applying for the mentioned tenders should receive the tender's documents forms for a sum of 50 $ ( non - refundable ) from one of UAWC's offices in Ramallah , Nab lus , Hebron , and Jericho between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. , starting from 17/6/2020 ( Friday and Saturday are official days off ) until 23/6/2020 . The bids shall be returned to UAWC's office - Ramal lah , no later than 25/6/2020 , at 11:00 a.m. The bids will be opened on 28/6/2020 at 12:30 a.m. in UAWC's Ramallah Office . Notes : 1. The advertisment fees should be paid by the winner bidder . 2. Tenderers should provide a valid deduction from source & the
registration certificate.The winner should provide a vat in
voice . 3. The Bidding Committee is not restricted or restrained to accept
the lowest prices . 4. The bidder should submit separate envelopes for both technical
& financial offers and the technical offer should include a soft
copy “ CD “ 5. For more information about the tender , tenderers can call 02
2421712 .
Develop business plans