St. John Eye Hospital St John in Jerusalem ( RA ) St John Request for Proposal for Paving the
front Parking Area
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات لتعبيد الموقف الأمامي
بمستشفى سانت جون للعيون
- ( 2 ) 6/20
St. John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem ( RA ) is seeking qualified suppliers to submit proposals for paving the front parking Area at the Hospital . The winner shall be responsible for providing a solution that ensures stable and safe ground for patients and Hospital visitors . The Hospital shall make an agreement with the winner to implement the project depending on the availability of funding . Interested suppliers should send an email no later than Friday the 26th of June 2020 before 14:00 to procurement@sjeh.org The email must in clude but not limited to the following details :
The Company details and contact details .
Experience history for the supplier in such projects with evidences . Scope of the project : The front area parking of the hospital's main building in Shaikh Jarrah which about 620m2 including treatment of all tree roots , the solution should include at least 5 years unlimited warranty . Suppliers Site Tour : After submitting letters of interest and supporting documents , suppliers shall be invited to a site tour in which they can test the working site and ask any related questions and obtain any information needed for preparing their proposals . The Hospital shall produce after that “ Terms of Reference " that will be circulated to participants which will include the general guide lines for the project . General Notes :
The winner contractor shall sign “ Firm - fixed - price " contract for the proposed solution with no variation / s on price at all . For more information please contact the Hospital Facilities Man ager on 054-6665971