صندوق تطوير وإقراض الهيئات المحلية
Municipal Development & Lending Fund
- ( 3 ) 6/22
Country : Palestine Assignment : Local Technical Consultancy for Design , Supervision and Community Mobilization Activities - South Reference No .: ENI / 2019 / 410-568-6.3 - B
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund " MDLF " has received a grant from EU through the European Union " EU " towards the cost of " Development of area C / West Bank ” . The Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) as an implementation agency for the project intends to use part of the grant for consulting services to hire a Local Technical Consultancy Firm ( LTC ) to provide the needed techni cal assistance for the design and supervision of the infrastructure projects that will be implemented in nine localities : No. Locality
Governorate 1 Almorooj
Bethlehem Governorate 2 Abdullah Ibrahim - Wadi Rahal
Bethlehem Governorate 3 Alkhader
Bethlehem Governorate 4 Ras Elwad
Bethlehem Governorate 5 Um Addaraj
Hebron Governorate 6 Ramadeen
Hebron Governorate 7 Maeen
Hebron Governorate 8 As - Semia
Hebron Governorate 9 Al - Ezariya
Jerusalem Governorate
The Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) as the implanting agency for the projects intends to use part of the grant for consulting services to hire a Consultancy Firm to conduct the above - mentioned assignment . The detailed Terms of Reference ( TOR's ) for the assignment can be viewed at the website :
www.MDLF.org.ps/TOR The Municipal Development and Lending Fund now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the Services . Interested consulting firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services . The shortlisting criteria are : General firm's profile ( Core business and years in business , qualifications in the field of the assignment , technical and managerial organization of the firm , general qualifications and number of key staff ) . Objectives of the Assignments : The main objective of this assignment is to provide technical assistance to the targeted localities ( LGUs ) , specifi cally nine localities in area C in the West Bank , for the implementation of infrastructure projects approved as part of improving the basic services for their citizens . The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III , paragraphs , 3.14 , 3.16 , and 3.17 of the World Bank's “ Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers ” July 2016 , setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest . Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and / or a sub - consultancy . In the case of a joint venture , all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract , if selected . A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection based on Quality - Cost Based Selection ( QCBS ) method set out in the Procurement Regulations . Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 PM . Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below ( in person , or by mail , or by fax , or by e - mail ) by 07/07/2020 . Mr. Mohammad Ramahi Acting Director General Address is : Al - Amal Tower , Mecca Street , Al - balou ' , Al - Bireh , Palestine Tel : 02- 2426610 Fax : 02-2426617 E - mail : LTC-AreaC-South@mdlf.org.ps