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Young Men's Christian Association – Jerusalem
Women Development Program East Jerusalem Youth : Agents of Change Project
Request for Quotation ( RFQ ) - Vehicle “ new ” RFQ # : EJYMCA - WDP / ENI - 397-552 / SUP / 06-20-01 The Young Men's Christian Association - East Jerusalem / Women's Development Program ( EJYMCA - WDP ) is imple menting the project entitled “ East Jerusalem Youth : Agents of Change " . This project is implemented by EJYMCA in part nership with DanChurchAid / Norwegian Church Aid , Pales tinian Vision , Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil , and Afkar , and funded by the European Union . The project is based on introducing Resilience and Tourism as community - led interventions that will contribute to the overall objective : " The development of resilient communities in East and northwest of Jerusalem to be able to withstand shocks and mitigate protection threats while preserving the Palestinian character of the city " . The EJYMCA - WDP announces the Request for Quotation ( RFQ ) for a vehicle for the “ East Jerusalem Youth : Agents of Change ” project . Interested firms can receive copies of the RFQ documents on 24/06/2020 only via sealed envelope . The quotations , including all documents , should be submit ted by hand via sealed envelope no later than 08/07/2019 at 12:00 pm at the following address : 2nd Floor , Faiq & Ahmad Khader Yaseen Building , opposite to Al - Bireh Secondary School for Girls , Al - Bireh , Phone Number : 02-2959989 .