الدوره النظرية الأفراد الشيلات العقلية
Municipal Development & Landing fund
Request for Expressions of Interest Integrated Cities and Urban Development Project ( ICUD ) Consulting Services - Individual Consultant
Contract on a Full - Time Basis
Communication and Public Relation Specialist
Country : Palestine Assignment Title : Communication and Public Relation Specialist Ref : GZ - MDLF - 185236 - CS - INDV
The Palestine Liberation Organization , for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority has sought financing from the World Bank for the Integrated Cities and Urban Development Project ( ICUD ) . The Project Development Objective is to assist participating urban areas to enhance their capacity to plan for sustainable urban growth . Concretely , the project will strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of participating urban areas ( Ramallah area , Nablus area , Bethlehem area , Hebron area , and Gaza City ) to plan for sustainable urban growth . The project will be implemented by the Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) and technically overseen by Ministry of Local Government ( MOLG ) . The MDLF , as the delegated implementation agency of ICUD , intends to use part of the ICUD Grant from the World Bank ( WB ) fund to hire an individual consultant to serve as a " Communication and Public Relation Specialist " . Objective of this assignment
Communication and Public Relation specialist will work under the supervision of the ICUD project's Techni cal Supervisor on facilitating the communication and outreach of project activities at central and local level in the urban areas . He or She will act as the communications liaisons between MOLG , local coordinators , and the LGUs . He or she will be responsible for Performing a different functions targeting ICUD communica
tions activities with the specific stakeholders of the project in order to support its development objective . The Municipal Development and Lending Fund ( MDLF ) invite eligible qualified individuals to provide information ( cover letter and C.V ) indicating their qualifications , experience and appropriate skills to perform the services . The main qualifications of the consultant are as follows : • University degree or equivalent training ;
Proven record of accomplishment in communications ( press relations and PR , journalism , internal communications , lobbying etc. ) Experience working with international organizations and / or with development groups is a plus ; Editorial experience / experience in writing articles and press releases ( work samples may be requested ) ; Excellent verbal and written communication skills and a confident journalistic style that is suited to the target group : Basic knowledge of development policy issues , the work performed by MOLG ; Good communication skills and willingness to cooperate . Good contacts to ( local / regional ) media ; experience in maintaining contacts with journalists ; Experience of internal communications ( dissemination of information and promoting dialogue within a company / organisation ) ; Experience in handling internal communications instruments ( staff magazines , staff events , newsletters , etc. ) Experience of project and / or event management is a plus ; Experience of media production , possibly including publishing or graphic design software is a plus .
The attention of interested consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's : Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers published by the World Bank in January 2011 , revised in July 2014 ( " Consultant Guidelines " ) , setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest .
Individual Consultants shall be selected through comparison of qualifications of those who have expressed interest in this position . The duration of the assignment is 9 months on a full - time basis , and could be extended . Individual Consultants may obtain further information at the address below from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM from Sunday to Thursday . Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address or e - mail below by August 20 , 2020 . Address is : Al - Amal Tower Mecca Street , Al - balou ' , Al - Bireh Tel : 02- 2426610 Fax : 02-2426617 Palestinian Authority E - mail : PR.ICUD@mdlf.org.ps