cesi Alliance
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Invitation for Bids Project Title : « Promotion of sustainable growth in Palestine through an environmentally safe , innovative and economically valuable treatment of WEEE ( Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment ) » Project Code : NEAR - TS / 2016 / 381-674 Financed by : EUROPEAN UNION Cesvi Internal Code : MEPSE0023 Cesvi Procedure Code : MEPSE0023 / NP / 07 Cesvi is an international NGO , with headquarters in Italy , operating in Pales tine . Cesvi – in partnership with North Hebron Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( NHCCI , lead applicant ) and Green Land Society for Health Develop ment ( GLSHD , co - applicant ) - has received a grant from the European Union for the implementation of a humanitarian aid operation , under contract NEAR TS / 2016 / 381-674 . The action aims at promoting environmentally clean , safe , innovative and eco nomically valuable waste from electrical and electronic equipment ( WEEE ) treatment in West Bank . Cesvi invites bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for the supplies of : industrial machinery and equipment : WEIGHBRIDGE , FORKLIFT , BIG AND SMALL METALLIC CONTAINERS to be delivered in the WEEE treatment facility in Idhna Municipality – Hebron Governorate – in accordance to specifications and descriptions stated in the tender documents .
The supply is divided into 3 different lots . Bidders can submit offers for 1 or more lots , according to their interest and availability . All interested Bidders shall pursue the following bidding conditions : 1. Eligible Bidders shall be registered at the VAT and Customs Departments
and shall provide with their VAT registration number and financial clear
ance certificate . 2. Eligible Bidders shall comply with qualification requirements specified in
the bidding documents . 3. Interested Bidders can get bidding documents from 9 August to 18 Au
gust 2020 only in soft copy by sending a mail of request to CESVI mail : simonebalboni@cesvioverseas.org quoting in the mail subject the code
MEPSE0023 / NP07 . 4. Only electronic bids will be accepted . Bids shall be delivered within 25
August 2020 at 18.00 pm via mail to CESVI mail :
simonebalboni@cesvioverseas.org_Late bids will be rejected . 5. Bids will be opened on 27 August 2020. CESVI will inform Bidders about
the results of the evaluation session . For further information , please contact : Eng . Simone Balboni Ph 0597-300746 / 0559-209771 Mail : simonebalboni@cesvioverseas.org