التعاون الألماني
Invitation for Prequalification / Expression of Interest WASTEWATER REUSE PROJECT NABLUS :
Palestine Standard Time Country :
Palestine Employer :
Municipality of Nablus ICB Name :
Lot 1 - Construction of NW / WWTP Tertiary Treatment /
Pressure Main / Irrigation Reservoir - Nablus / Palestine ICB Number :
L1-23 / 01 / 6_3 / 2020 KFW Procurement Number : 505932 Nablus Municipality ( NM ) intends to implement a treated wastewater reuse irrigation scheme in an area 2,800 donum ( 280 ha ) close to the existing of Nablus West WWTP ( NW / WWTP ) . The agricultural lands within the area are presently cultivated with rain - fed crops or are uncultivated . The overall objective of the Nablus project is to make best use of the treated wastewater ( reclaimed water ) from NW / WWTP for agricultural production . The related Works shall be implemented in two lots . Lot 1 comprises mainly : 1. Construction of tertiary treatment facilities at the NW / WWTP with a capacity of approx . 11,000 m² / d , consisting
of Continuous Sand Filters incl . design of the concrete basin required , approx . 1,000 m balance tank , 2 + 1 pumps
with a maximum capacity of 275 m² / h each incl . surge vessel , and UV disinfection ; 2. Construction of a pressure main DN 500 DI PN 16 with a length of approx . 3,000 m , overcoming a height
difference of approximately 100 m to the irrigation tank near Burqa , including trenchless crossing of the main
road to Tulkarem ( road no . 57 ) and 2 wadi crossings by pipe bridges ; 3. Construction of approx . 2,500 m irrigation reservoir near Burqa including access road of approx . 250 m length ; and 4. Western part of the main irrigation distribution system consisting of DN 500 HDPE which will be installed in the
same trench as the new transmission main to the irrigation reservoir ( above item 2 ) . The Tender Process is subject to KfW's „ Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services , Works , Plant , Goods and Non - Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries “ , see https : //www.kfw entwicklungsbank.de/International financing / KfW - Development - Bank / Publications Videos / Publication - series / Guidelines - and - contracts / Works will be tendered in accordance with KfW Standard Procurement Documents , Lot 1 shall be implemented under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Employer , Multilateral Development Bank Harmonised Edition of June 2010 ( FIDIC Pink Book ) as licensed by KfW . Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information and a complete set of prequalification documents in English language , free of charge , upon submission of a written application by e - mail to the following address : christian . koopmann@fwt.fichtner.de and ssabughosh@nablus.org . Applications for prequalification should be submitted in clearly marked envelopes and delivered to the address below by 11:00 am Palestine Standard Time on 22.09.2020 . Late applications will be rejected . Eng . Sameeh Tubaila Mayor of Nablus Faisal Street , P. O. Box 218 , Nablus / Palestine
( 1 ) MYE