سلطة المياه الفلسطينية
Call for Consultants Proposal
( CONSULTING SERVICES ) NAME OF PROJECT : Consultancy services for transform the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility - Gaza into a regional water utility . Contract No .: PWA / AFD / 2020011- / CTD COUNTRY : Palestine 1. Palestinian Water Authority PWA ( hereinafter called « Client » ) has received financing from Agence Française de Développement ( « AFD » ) under AFD Financing Agreements No. CPS 1239 and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under the Contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued . 2. The Client now invites consultants to provide the following consulting services ( hereinafter called « Services » ) : A Road Map to Transform CMWU into A Regional Utility , Transferring Water and Wastewater Services of Gaza , North Area , Middle Area and Khanyounis Municipalities to CMWU . 3. A complete set of RFP documents in English may be collect by interested Consultants starting from Wednesday 262020 / 08 / until Tuesday 08/09/2020 from Central Tendering Department ( CTD ) at the address below and upon the payment of a non - refundable fee of 200 NIS ( Two hundred shekels ) . The method of payment will be Bank Deposit to the PWA account number Bank of Palestine 27900079 / . 4. Clarifications : The last date for clarifications will be on Thursday 172020 / 09 / , and the last date for answering the clarifications will be on Monday 282020 / 09 / . 5. A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection ( QCBS ) method and procedures described in this RFP . 6. Bid shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of tender opening , and must be accompanied by bid security of Two Thousand ( 2,000 ) EURO valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening tenders . 7. Bids must be delivered to the Central Tendering Department ( Sealed envelope ) at the address ( 2 ) shown below on or before 12:00 pm local time on Wednesday 07/10/2020 . The technical proposals will be opened in presence of the bidders interested into participating . 8- the addresses for submission and information :
Address 1 : For Information Palestinian Water Authority : Address Technical Assistance to the Program Coordination Unit Al Rasheed Street , Opposite Chalets Resort , VIP Building , 5th flour , Gaza City , Palestine , Attn : Eng . Marwan Bardaweel Project Coordinator Tel : + 972-8-264-4071 ,
Fax : + 72-8-264-4072 Mobile : +970 599784464 E - mail : mbardawil@pwa-gpmu.org
Address 2 : For Submission Ministry of Public Works and Housing Central Tendering Department Um Al Sharayet , Al Ameen Square Al Bireh , West Bank , Palestine Attn : Eng . Saeed Abu Zaid Acting / General Director Tel : +970 2 296 6006/7
Fax : +970 2 298 8582 Mobile : +970 592979098 E - mail : ctd@mpwh.pna.ps abuzaidsaeed@yahoo.com
Note : All expenses related to advertisement shall be paid by the successful consultant . Central Tendering Department .