Search for Common Ground
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Request for Proposal for Radio Services
Search for Common Ground ( SFCG ) is looking for a radio sta tion to implement the following activities under the tender of ( PAL / 08 / 2020 ) . Search seeks to contract a radio station to conduct six media de velopment online workshops and produce a weekly episode for 24 weeks . The production team will work jointly with Search's team and project participants to develop the media content in cluding ; Awareness Raising Campaign aimed at addressing stig matizations and ideas on how to cope with COVID - 19 or other stressors and challenges ; Segments to be aired on the daily radio shows during prime times to elevate stories of unity and cohe sion , and address conflict issues in society . A dedicated radio show experts and influencers in the community on Gender - Based Violence will be essential . The supplier will also need high qual ity designing and publishing skills , as well significant outreach and management on Facebook and other social media platforms . Please email Wajdi Bkeirat for the full Terms of Reference on this tender at : wbkeirat@sfcg.org Applications must be submitted in English exclusively to the Contracting Authority at wbkeirat@sfcg.org , no later than 5:00 pm on September 10 , 2020