Call of Interest- Training service Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce and Industry announces its desire to receive price offers to obtain training services in the fields of : . Painting Work
Gypsum Work
Aluminum Work For the training courses of 120 hours , each training course implemented by TVET Center at BCCI in BVTC and fund ed by the German Government through GIZ programme More Job Opportunities for Palestinian Youth - short - term courses component .
Requirements Proven at least 5 years practical experience in each profession . General knowledge of used equipment's in each profession . General knowledge of Microsoft Word , Excel , and Outlook Working closely with the TVET center and the BVTC in order to deliver the best possible result of the project . Proven experience in designing multiple training events and field visits for trainees . Familiarity with traditional and modern training methods , tools and techniques . APPLICATION AND PROCEDURES
Qualified Trainers are invited to send their CV and a one - page cover letter in English along with the price offer including training hour cost , by Email to :
tvet@bethlehem-chamber.org Dead line for receiving the application is Sep 7th , 2020