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وكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وللتعيل | united nations relief and warks agancy اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في الشرق الأدني | for palestine refugeas in the neareas


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UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES ( UNRWA ) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refu gees , West Bank ( UNRWA ) , is issuing the following request for Quotation ( CPS / WB / RSSP / 20/0/0012 ) for " Gender mainstreaming and response in emergency man agement training -COVID - 19 " The Relief and Social Services ( RSSP ) at UNRWA’s West Bank Field Office represented by the Women Program is targeting emergency refugee committees in the West Bank and focusing on gender mainstreaming and Women and Youth Program is planning to carry out activities contributing to refugee women as well emergency social empowerment committees and is willing to organize a training course within the program frame work entitled “ response in emergency management in the Mid of COVID - 19 pandemic " targeting refugee women and emer gency committees in general . Within this context RSSP is cur rently seeking a qualified trainer to conduct training on Gender mainstreaming and response in emergency management for building community resilience for refugee in emergency . Interested suppliers are requested to visit UNGM at
https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/113903 . Your bid must be submitted to this email address wb - pld - ten der@unrwa.org , no later than the RFQ due date and time of 21 Sept. 2020 on 24:00 ( end of the day ) , Jerusalem time . For any further Information , please contact us via email address FPLO-WB@UNRWA.ORG not later than 17 Sept. 2020