مركز تطوير
مركز تطوير المؤسسات الأهلية الفلسطينية
NGO Development Center
NGO Development Center ( NDC )
" Action for East Jerusalem's Identity and Resilience ( AJIR ) "
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Expressions of Interest The NGO Development Center ( NDC ) has received a financing toward the cost of the Action for East Jerusalem's Identity and Resilience ( AJIR ) project and intends to use part of the funds thereof to payments for the Environmental and Social Planning and Management consulting services to be procured under the project . The Services of the consultant shall consist of designing , monitoring and reporting on the Environmental and Social Management Plans ( ESMPs ) for moderate - risk subprojects ( category b ) to guarantee the successful implementation of the subproject in alignment with the strategic objective of the AJIR Programme . Specifically , the consultant is required to accomplish the following : 1 ) Review project documents , specifically the i ) Implementation Manual ; ii ) Environmental and Social Commitment Plan
( ESCP ) ; and iii ) Preliminary Environmental and Social Assessment Form ( PESAF ) . 2 ) Screen and review all proposed subprojects in order to identify any that may carry the risk of adverse environmental and social
impacts , 3 ) Assign a category to each subproject in accordance with the Preliminary Environmental and Social Assessment Form ( PE
SAF ) , 4 ) Design detailed ESMPs for the projects that are classified as “ Moderate - Risk ” subprojects . The designed ESMP shall address
environmental and social mitigation measures to be undertaken during construction and operation of the particular intervention . In the ESMP , the environmental and social mitigation and monitoring actions shall be presented in a matrix format . The matrix includes identifying the issues , mitigation measures , and responsibility for carrying out the mitigation measures , environmental and social monitoring , responsibility for carrying out the monitoring actions and the approximate cost estimates for the actions ,
if any . 5 ) In coordination with NDC , carry out spot field environmental and social monitoring visits to selected subprojects that are under
implementation , to ensure compliance with the ESMPs . 6 ) Provide training / coaching ( whenever needed ) to CSOs to help them successfully apply the designed ESMPs , including reflect
ing them in the subprojects ' designs , contracts and bidding documents , monitor the subprojects ' implementation and report on
the environmental and social issues as needed . 7 ) Monitor and report on the status of environmental and social performance for the sub - projects . The report will be part of NDC's
annual progress report and will present an overview of deviations / violations of the ESMPs encountered over the reporting period including instructions given to the contractors for addressing incompliance and identified issues , and follow - up actions
on the revealed outstanding matters . The assignment will commence on the date of signing the contract with the Consultant and will extend over the AJIR implementa tion period , until December 31 , 2024. The total level of efforts is estimated at 100 days . The NDC hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above . This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to Individual consultants . Required Qualifications : In order to accomplish the objective of the assignment and the scope of work , a consultant is required with the following qualifica tions and competences : a ) Easy access to Jerusalem with a Jerusalem driving license ; b ) MSc degree in Environmental Engineering , Environmental and Social Science or any related field ; c ) Previous experience with AFD , World Bank , or other donors Environmental and Social Safeguard policies and procedures ; d ) At least 5 years relevant experience working on assignments of similar nature ; e ) In - depth knowledge and understanding of national and local ( Jerusalem Municipality ) legislations , including laws , regulations ,
and standards governing environmental and social policies ; and f ) Relevant experience in the CSOs sector . Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub - clause 1.3 of the « Procurement Guidelines for AFD - Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries » , available online on AFD's website : http://www.afd.fr . Interested individual consultants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services . For that purpose , documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted . The Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the following email address jobs@ndc.ps no later than November 15 , 2020 . To review the full Request of Expression of Interest document , including the Statement of Integrity , Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility which shall be sumitted with the application , signed and unaltered , please visit the following link : https : // www.ndc.ps/en/REOI-ESMPS .