تسجيل الدخول
Consulting Services

State of Palestine Ministry of Health Procurement Unit


دولة فلسطي
وزارة الصحة وحدة التوريدات


I / ZI ( D ) -

Country : Palestine Project : Health System Resiliency Strengthening Project ( HSRSP ) Grant No .: TF018986 Assignment Title : Costing Study of Delivery of Health Services in Palestine . Reference No .: MOH - WB / CS21 The Palestine Liberation Organization for the benefit of gible consulting firms ( " Consultants ” ) to indicate their inter the Palestinian Authority has received a financing from the est in providing the above Services . Interested Consultants World Bank toward the cost of the Health System Resiliency should provide information demonstrating their qualifica Strengthening Project , and intends to apply part of the pro tions and relevant experience to perform the required Serv ceeds for consulting services .
ices . The shortlisting criteria are : The consulting services ( " the Services ” ) include the conduc
Extensive and proven experience in health econom tion of a hospital services costing study of a representative
ics and conducting costing studies for health services selection of both public and private hospitals in Palestine .
in middle income various countries . Experience in the The costing study is expected to provide data to allow for
Middle East is an asset . repeated estimates using a robust and harmonized costing methodology . The study is expected to be carried out over
Demonstrated experience in conducting complex hos
pital costing studies in the public and private sectors in two phases :
middle income countries . Phase One will include the preparation part of the costing
Familiarity with the health context in Palestine is desir study and will cover the conduction of literature review and
able . site visits to provider facilities , health offices , health de
Excellent English language skills as well as Arabic lan partments , and other locations where costing data may be
guage ( the firm has to have support from team members stored ; proposal on the roles , and responsibilities of hospi
who master Arabic language ) . tals that will be part of the costing study ; recommendation
Extensive experience in training local staff with differ of a costing methodology ( i.e. a bottom - up methodology , a
ent levels of capacities . top - down methodology , or a combination of the two ) based
Previous work experience and sound knowledge on the on the discussions with the stakeholders , the World Bank
situation in Palestine will be an asset . and the working team ; identification of the minimum data set required to obtain valid results and identification of the The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph software for data processing and analysis ; identification of 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines : Selection and Employ the team to collect costing data ; provision of a proposal on ment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & the implementation plan and the data period / timeline needed Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 ( re for the costing study ; and finally convening a facilitated par vised July 2014 ) ( “ Consultant Guidelines " ) , setting forth the ticipatory workshop to explain the methodology proposed . World Bank's policy on conflict of interest . This phase will include the production of a report with sum
Consultants , may associate with other firms in the form of mary of literature review , analysis of data availability , and a joint venture or a sub - consultancy to enhance their quali proposed costing methodology , intermediary outputs and fications . implementation plan . This report will be discussed for feed
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the back with key stakeholders defined by the MoH in coordina tion with the World Bank technical assistance team .
Quality and Cost - Based Selection ( QCBS ) method set out in Phase Two will focus on the implementation part of the
the Consultant Guidelines .
Further information can be obtained from the project Pro costing study , results and recommendations . This will cover
curement Specialist at the following email address : maqel @ the implementation of the data collection plan for the cost
hsrsp.ps . ing study and verification of the collected data and the im plementation of the strategies designed in phase one pro Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form posal report for dealing with potential data challenges ; and to the address below ( in person , or by mail , or by fax , or by the analysis and validation of the costing data . This phase e - mail ) by December 23 , 2020 . will include the production of a comprehensive report which will present a complete executive summary for policy - mak
Ministry of Health ers and lay readers ( with clear results and recommendations )
Attn : Mr. Khaled Mattour – Head of Procurement Unit that came out from the costing study .
Nablus - West Bank - Palestine The assignment is expected to commence in February 2021 Tel : 00972 9 2380060 and is expected to be completed within 10 months .
Fax : 00972 9 2377065 The Palestinian Ministry of Health ( MOH ) now invites eli E - mail : khalidmattour@moh.ps