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International NATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER Emergency Mate
rial - ACTED OPT T / HIP2021 / EmergencyMaterials / RAM / 20-12-2020
Within the projects of “ Humanitarian Support to Protect Palestinians in the West Bank , including East Jerusalem , from Forcible Transfer ” , ACTED is inviting suppliers of general contracting , Green Houses , Solar Panels , Tents supplies , Metal Supplies and Block struc tures to submit offers for a one year Framework Agreement for the provision of the follow ing emergency Supplies :
Amount * 5000 $
INCOTERMS Delivery point All of west Bank
5000 $
All of west Bank
Delivery deadline To indicated on the Con tract . To indicated on the Con tract . act . To indicated on the Con tract . HACE . To indicated on the Con
5000 $
All of west Bank
Block Structures : Supply and Installation of Residential Block Structure 32 m2 , Fixed PWD Latrine ... etc
See detailed BoQ Metal Items : Supply and Installation of Residen tial Caravan 32 m2 , Residential Caravan 45 m2
Tender leads to frame Latrines , PWD Latrines ... etc
Work Agreement with a Tents Supplies : Supply and Installation of Resi- period of 12 months . dential Tent 30 m2 , Residential Tent 40 m2 , Resi dential Tent 60 m2 ,
The quantities mentioned etc
are just an estimation Green Houses : Supply and installation of Green ( Quantity might vary ) . House Supply and Installation of Solar Panel 860 Wp System Solar Panel 1290 Wp System
2000 $
All of west Bank
2000 $
All of west Bank
To indicated on the Con
tract .
* Eligible contractors for the tender need to secure a bank guarantee valid for 90 days start
ing from the closing date of the tender or a certified check bank as per the table above ,
where personal checks or cash are not accepted . The tenderers can submit an offer for one or several lots . The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents , open to all quali fied suppliers and service providers . The Bidding Documents ( in English ) may be collect ed free of charge by all interested bidders at the following address opt.tender@acted.org by sending an email mentioning the tender reference # T / HIP2021 / Emergency Materials / RAM / 20-12-2020 All bids must be submitted before 03/01 / 2021 at 12:00 pm By EMAIL Only to opt.ten der@acted.org Questions regarding the technical or administrative requirements of this International Na tional Call For Tender may be submitted no later than 12:00 pm local Ramallah time on Sunday 27th of December , 2020 by email to opt.tender@acted.org .
Eligible contractor should be registered at PCU ( Palestinian Contractors Union ) . Eligible contractor should be registered at the VAT and customs department , and has
the ability to provide ACTED with Zero VAT bills . ( The project is VAT exempted ) ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in con nection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED . Note : if you witness or suspect any unlawful , improper or unethical act or business practices ( such as soliciting , accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback ) during the tendering process , please send an e - mail to transparency@acted.org .