Consulting Services for review of detailed design , tendering , construction supervision and accompanying measures
Deadline : 28 January 2021 12:00 p.m . ( Palestinian time )
State of Palestine Ministry of Public Works and Housind Central Tendering Department For the behalf of Palestinian Water Authority
KfW Procurement No .: 505 392 Prequalification for Consulting Services for review of detailed design , tendering , construction supervision and accompanying measures Central Desalination Plant Gaza - Associated Works : Reconfiguration of Water Supply Infrastructure Tender no .: PWA / Kfw / 2020 / 034 - CTD Dead line : 28 January 2021 , before 12:00 pm ( Palestine time ) Tendering Agency : Eng . Saeed Abu Zaid Acting Director General Central Tendering Department Ministry of Public Works and Housing Baitonia , Al Balou Street , Near Cocacola Company E - mail : abuzaidsaeed @ yahoo.com.ctd @ mpwh.pna.ps Fax : +97022909092 Mobile : +972592979098
Tender Agent : Mr. Ralf Knoche Rembertistraße 32 4. Stock 28203 Bremen , Germany E - Mail : des pse@rk-mes.de
Programme Measures : The purpose of the project is the provision of a reliable , safe and more affordable water supply for the population in three municipalities in the Northern Gaza Strip ( City of Gaza , Jabalia , Beit Lahia ) as well as strengthening the climate resilience capacities . This project is a package of the ' Gaza Central Desalination Plant and Associated Works Program . The program focuses on the implementation of the bulk water network reconfiguration in Northern Gaza . The program will be funded by German bilateral co - operation , with KfW as the lending agency and with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) and one component is planned to be funded by the European Commission through KfW and Implemented by the Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) as the Project Execution Agency ( PEA ) . Requested Consultant Services :
The Employer is seeking to engage a qualified Consultant to perform the following services :
Supporting the PEA in Overall management of the project ; Review of existing documents : Elaboration or modification of the details of the project design : Elaboration / Update of detailed designs and tender documents ; Implementation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ( ESIA ) requirements ; Implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan ( SEP ) and supervision / management of the Grievance Mechanism ( GRM ) : Managing and supervising the Resettlement Action Plan Livelihood Restoration Plan ( RAP / LRP ) ; If required , updating of the existing E & S Studies and Management Instruments ( i.e .. ESIA / ESMP , SEP , GRM and RAP / LRP ) : Assistance to PE As in tendering and contracting : Supervision of construction activities ; Assistance to the PEA during Defects Liability Period ( DLP ) ; Training and facilitation measures for operating and administrational staff ; Examination of invoices : Administer a disposition fund ; Accompanying measures ;
Collection of baseline data , verification , monitoring and analysis of achieved performance . The start of consulting services is planned for the third quarter of 2021 . The planned duration for the construction works is 48 months ( including 12 months of defects liability period ) . The planned duration for accompanying measures ( optional ) is 60 months . Services are to be provided by a team of sector and subject related experienced international and local experts . The consultant firm shall fulfil its tasks and ser vices largely in Gaza and the nominated team leader will be responsible for ensuring a well - planned , coordinated and effective internal and external interaction with all concerned participants in order to ensure a timely and successful elaboration of services , also considering the current COVID - 19 situation . All consulting activities shall be carried out in close cooperation with the PEA and shall take due account of the project aims and relevant KfW guidelines . The prequalification procedure of experienced Consultants will follow the KfW " Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services , Works , Plants , Goods and Non - Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries " , which are available on KfW's internet web - site ( version January 2019 ) : https://www.kfw-entwicklungsbank.de/PDF/Download-Center/PDF-Dokumente-Richtlinien/Vergaberichtlinien-2019-Englisch-Internet 2.pdf It is foreseen to give the service to an internationally operating consulting firm , preferably in association with domestic consultants , which are highly experienced in the concerned fields with an annual turnover of the lead consultant and all associated partners showing the necessary turnover for the consortium as a group of at least EUR 3.0 million ( According to Kfw Guide Lines and for the purpose of tender's submission , in case of joint venture , the JV agreement should be officially stamped or just a letter of intent ) .
Further Information : Further information ( only available in English language ) is available free of charge from the Tender Agent upon written request at the address given above . It will be sent electronically only ( by e - mail ) . No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery . ØThe Eol must be delivered by email no later than 28 January 2021 , before 12:00 pm ( Palestine time ) To the address : Eng . Saeed Abu Zaid Acting Director General Central Tendering Department Ministry of Public Works and Housing Baitonia , Al Balou Street , Near Cocacola Company E - mail : abuzaidsaced @ yahoo.com.ctd @ mpwh.pna.ps . Add another email for KFw if you need acopy