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Programme for Access to the Labour Market ( GIZ - PALM ) Request for Proposals for Translation Service ( interpretation and translation )
in the field of Labour Market Policies and Economic Development : GIZ - PALM is looking for a company which should ensure the effective and efficient provision of translation and interpretation ( consecutive ) services ( EN - AR and vice versa ) of a series of online training courses in the areas of labour market policies and private sector development . The scope of work of the com pany shall include the following : Pre - sessions : Provide clear and accurate Translation ( Word documents and PowerPoints ) of labour market related documents from English to Arabic ( and vice versa ) . Quick review for the prepared presentations / training materials , to be acquaint ed with the context and environment of the workshop and the nature of used terminologies and abbreviations to ensure the provision of specialized transla tion work . During sessions : Provide direct , clear and accurate consecutive interpretation from English to Arabic and vice versa . The Programme for Access to the Labour Market ( PALM ) , implemented by the German Corporation for International Cooperation ( GIZ ) in the Palestinian Territories and funded by the German Ministry of International Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) which was launched in April 2019 , is designed to correspond to the Palestinian - German priority area of Sustainable Economic Development . It aims to improve the employment situation through compre hensive measures of active labour market policy . The programme has designed a process to support and capacitate key stakeholders to offer consultancy and advisory services to employers in the private sector linked with the creation of additional job opportunities for jobseekers in West Bank , East Jerusalem and Gaza . Within this context , GIZ - PALM seeks qualified locally registered companies to carry out this assignment , and hereby invites to submit proposals for provid ing needed services . Interested consultants can download the Call for Consultancy Service docu ment starting 9th of February 2021 to 18th of February 2021 from our tender ing website https://tender.gizpal.ps Interested Applicants should send their CV to the e - mail PS_Quotation@giz.de no later than 21th of February 2021 before 15:00 . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be refused . Kindly state in the email subject line " GIZ - PALM Translation Service "