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Announcement SUBJECT : INVITATION TO TENDER - Purchase , supply delivery , installation and connection of a new
Computer Server
Tender No. 07/2021 Our Reference : ENI / 2018 / 397-546 The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) , a Palestinian Non Governmental Organization , is implementing the project entitled “ To wards Social Inclusion in Community Development by Providing Plat forms for Planning and Advocacy " , the project is funded by the European Union . As part of the project activities ARIJ is seeking a competitive offer to Purchase , supply delivery , installation and connection of a new Computer Server . The applying firm must have the demonstrable capability to carry out the scope of work of this assignment and must have the capacity and experience to carry out the Project . For this purpose , the interested companies should submit Technical and Financial Offers for carrying out the scope of the work in sealed and stamped envelopes . The offers should comply with the conditions of this assignment . For those who are interested in participating in the tender , and have suffi cient experience in this area , please contact the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) by fax or email mentioned below until March 04th , 2021. Accordingly , ARIJ will send an electronic copy of the Bid Dossier . The interested tenderers should submit the completed offer in a sealed envelope addressed to the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) Karkafeh Street - Bethlehem , on March 10th , 2021 by 13:00 p.m. • A valid deduction at source certificate must be attached to your offer .
All prices must be in Euro and Exclude VAT . A 5 % of the total tender amount must be attached as a bank guarantee . The tender winner will be responsible to pay the tender announcement
fees in the local newspaper . The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem ( ARIJ ) Karkafeh Street , Bethlehem , Telephone : 02-2741889 Fax : 02-2776966 , Email : randon@arij.org Working hours : 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ( Except Fridays and Sundays )