Belgium Enabel
partner in development Invitation for Tenders Enabel - Belgian development agency
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Reference No : PZA170421T - 10019-24 Country : Jerusalem / West Bank Project Name : Resilience in Schools of East Jerusalem ( RISE ) Title : " Transformation and Works in Nine Schools in East Jerusalem " This public works contract consists in rehabilitation and works in Nine schools and is di vided in 6 lots according to the geographical location of the schools :
Lot 1 : Al - Huda and Al - Wifaq Schools , situated in the Old City of Jerusalem . Lot 2 : Dia ' Al - Quds Schools , situated in the Old City of Jerusalem . Lot 3 : Al - Hasan Al - Thany and Al - Dawha schools , situated in Wadi Al Joz neighbour hood , Jerusalem . Lot 4 : Jabal Al - Mukabber school , situated in Jabal Al - Mukabber neighbourhood , Je rusalem . Lot 5 : Al - Sheikh Saad boys and transformation works in Al - Sheikh Saad girls schools in Al - Sheikh Saad village , in the outskirts of Jerusalem .
Lot 6 : Al - Rawdah Al - Haditha school in Zaayem village , in the outskirts of Jerusalem . Enabel now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for carrying out these works : 1. Tendering will be conducted through the open procedure ( Belgian Public Procurement
Law ) and is open to all tenderers from Eligible Source Countries , as defined in the tender
documents . 2. Lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 schools are located in East Jerusalem , on the West side of the West
Bank barrier and all staff will need to have access to Jerusalem ( I.D. or permit ) . 3. Lots 5 and 6 schools are situated on the East side of the barrier , in Area B , and don't need
specific permits . 4. Interested eligible tenderers are highly encouraged to inform us by writing to : hanan .
wahhab@enabel.be . 5. Tenderers can download the tender documents and all annexes at the following address :
https://www.enabel.be/content/btc-tenders , then selecting country : Palestinian Territory 6. Two information meetings for all lots will be held online on Thu 1/4/2021 and Mon
12/4/2021 , both at 10:00 am EET = Palestinian time ) . 7. Visits will take place in schools on Tue 6/4/2021 , Wed 7/4/2021 and Thu 8/4/2021 . 8. This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions , defined in the tender documents . 9. Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing . No bid bond is required . 10. Tenders must be delivered to one of the two addresses mentioned below before Monday
03/05/2021 at 11:00 AM . Late tenders will be rejected . Tenders will be opened behind closed doors .
Ramallah Office : Al Amal Tower , 4th Floor , Al Balou ' , Mecca Street , Ramallah - Al Bireh . Tel : +970 2 242 1137 Jerusalem Office : Consulate General of Belgium , 5 Baibars Street , Sheikh Jarrah , Jerusalem . Tel : +972 2 581 5915