تسجيل الدخول
Procurement of IT Equipment

التعاون الألماني


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit / GIZ

Request for Quotation Procurement of IT Equipment The Private Sector Development Program ( PSDP ) , imple mented by the German Corporation for International Co operation ( GIZ ) in the Palestinian Territories and funded by the German Ministry of International Cooperation and Development ( BMZ ) , aims to strengthen the economic de velopment in the Palestinian Territories and to improve the competitiveness and resilience of Palestinian businesses with a special focus on SME ( Small to Medium Sized en terprises ) For the implementation of a support program to the Pal estinian tourism sector , co - funded by the European Union , GIZ is currently seeking qualified local vendors to supply IT Equipment to locations in East Jerusalem . Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quota tions for the provision of the required item . Interested companies may download the inquiry documents starting 06.05.2021 through 25.05.2021 from our tendering website http : https://tender.gizpal.ps Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS_Quotation @ giz . de no later than 29.05.2021 before 15:00 . Bids submitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be declined . Late submissions will not be considered .
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