دولة فلسطين وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية مشروع تعزيز الحماية الاجتماعية وحدة إدارة المشروع
Ministry of Social Development Social Protection Enhancement Project Project Management Unit
Ministry of Social Development Request for Expressions of Interest
Individual Consultants
P- ( 12 ) 6/14
Social Protection Enhancement Project ( P160674 )
The Palestinian Liberation Organization has received a grant from the International Development Association ( IDA ) of an amount of 15.0 million USD for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority to finance the Social Protection Enhancement Project ( the Project ) . The development objective of the Social Protection Enhancement Project for West Bank and Gaza ( WB and G ) is to establish a single targeting and referral system to provide cash benefits and services to poor and vulnerable households . The project comprises of four components . The first component , cash transfer program ( CTP ) support will finance cash transfers for about 5,000 households in the WB and G , representing 4 percent of the total of the CTP . The second component , social registry ( SR ) will provide technical and financial support to : ( i ) develop , feed , and update the SR inclusion and information system ( architecture , software , hardware , opera tions manuals ( OMS ) , and household registration , among others ) ; ( ii ) establish a legal framework for it as functional entry point for social programs ; and ( iii ) assure the transition of beneficiaries of CTP and other programs into the SR . The third component , case management system ( CMS ) will finance the development and im plementation in selected areas of CMS . The fourth component , project management and monitoring will ensure that the Minis try of Social Development ( MOSD ) team is operational , and the project is implemented in accordance with the grant agreement and the project OM . MOSD is the implementing agency for this Project . A Project Man agement Unit ( PMU ) was established within MoSD and composed of consultants / staff in various fields , to manage the overall imple mentation and coordination of the Project . MOSD intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contracts for the recruitment of a qualified Project Communications Special ist and a Senior Software Developer . The Consultants will be housed within MOSD in Ramallah . The duration of each assignment is one year on a full - time basis ex tendable to the full length of the project . An individual consultant shall be selected for each of the under mentioned posts in accordance with the World Bank's procedures as specified in the World Bank's Procurement Regulations for bor rowers under Investment Project Financing dated July 1 , 2016 ( " Procurement Regulations " ) 1. Project Communication Specialist : Essential Required Qualifications , Skills , knowledge and Com petencies :
At least a bachelor's degree in the field of Public Relations , communications or any related field from a credited univer sity , master's degree is a plus . A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field of communications , public relations Applicant shall provide documentation for the minimum re quired years of experience . Capability and experience in drafting communications strate gies . Capability and experience in developing mass media mes sages in various formats ( press releases , websites , success stories , blog entries , tweets , etc. ) targeting a variety of audi
tools Familiar with website design and social media platforms is preferred . Ability to foster teamwork and enhance performance and to coordinate with relevant stakeholders .
Proficiency in Arabic and English ( oral and written ) . 2. Senior Software Developer : Essential Required Qualifications , Skills , knowledge , and Com petencies :
Proven experience in software development and code writ ing Experience with software development lifecycles using agile and lean approaches . Good leadership , decision - making , and organization skills . Minimum of 3-4 years ' experience in analyzing , designing , and implementing solutions using C # , .NET Core . Experience in Extracting , Transforming and Loading ( ETL ) data from / to MS SQL Server based on business stakeholders ' requirements . Excellent backend skills in creating SQL objects like tables , stored procedures , views , Indexes , triggers , rules , defaults , user defined data types and functions . Requires knowledge of C # .Net , Source Control , web Serv ices REST , SOAP and xml based . Experience with source control management systems and continuous integration / deployment environments Experience with automated testing Experience with agile de velopment methodologies including Kanban and Scrum . Knowledge of UX and UI Strong knowledge of coding , testing , and debugging applica tions . Excellent knowledge of technical management , information analysis and of computer hardware / software systems Ability to manage personnel . A good team - playing mentality BSc / BA in computer science , engineering , or relevant field ;
MSc / MA will be a plus . Interested consultants may obtain further information and related TOR from the address below during office hours or via email : wedad_malak@yahoo.com and can apply for the vacancy by send ing C.V , cover letter , the mentioned experiences and the university certificate to the email address : wedad_malak@yahoo.com . Any application without the mentioned supporting documents will not be considered . Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted . Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below ( in person , or by e - mail ) by the end of June 24 , 2021 .
Note : Please mention the vacancy and project title in the e - mail subject .
ences .
Address : Ministry of Social Development ( MOSD ) / SPEP Project Manage ment Unit - 6th Floor Ministries Compound , Almasyoun , Ramallah . Attn : Ms. Ibtisam Husary / SPEP PMU Director Mobile : 0599395194 ; 0593157357 E - mail : ihusary@mosa.gov.ps ; ibhusary@gmail.com And , Attn : Eng . Wedad Malak / SPEP Procurement Specialist Mobile : 0598902769 ; 0598725251 E - mail : wedad_malak @ yahoo .
Thinks creative and have excellent communication and in terpersonal skills . Ability in innovation and working effectively under pres
sure .
Familiarity with dealing with public campaigns . Excellent written , oral and communication skills . Excellent Knowledge of Microsoft Office Software . Excellent knowledge of all Media application softwares and
Dr. Ahmad Majdalani Minister of Social Development