Invitation for Bids ( IFB ) Belgian Technical Cooperation ( Enabel ) / Local Government Reform
& Development Program II Addendum ( LGRDP II )
A - ( 9 ) 8/1
Reference No .: 1303311-10012 Country : Palestine Contract Name : " Environmental and Climate Change Assessments and Stra tegic Plans in Selected Clusters "
The Ministry of Local Government in Palestine ( MoLG ) has received grant from the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium toward the cost of the Local Govern ment Reform and Development Program ( LGRDP II ) . The Belgian development agency ( Enabel ) is entrusted in execution and supervision of the implementation of the Program and intends to apply part of the proceedings of this grant for the benefit of Ministry of Local Government and the benefited clusters under the con tract of “ Environmental and Climate Change Assessments and Strategic Plans in Selected Clusters " .
1. Enabel / LGRDP II now invites eligible and qualified bidders for carrying out
« Environmental and Climate Change Assessments and Strategic Plans in Se
lected Clusters . " 2. Bidding will be conducted through the negotiation procedure specified in the
Belgian Public Procurement Guide and is open to all bidders from Eligible
Source Countries . 3. Qualification's requirements are presented in the Biding Documents . 4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Enabel / LGRDP
II , Tel .: 022421138 , Fax : 022421138. Bidders can inspect the Bidding Docu ments at the address given below from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM from 02/08/2021 to
16/08/2021 . 5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be received by interested
biddrs from the address mentioned below , and the website link : ( www.enabel .
be ) . 6. An introductory meeting will take place at « Enable office ” on Wednesday -
11/08/2021 at 09:30 am , ( address mentioned in the bidding documents ) . 7. This bid is VAT excluded , bidders to price without VAT . 8. Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days after Bid closing and must be accom
panied by a bid security ( Bank Gaurantee ) of ( 2,500 ) Euro . The Bid Security ( Bank Gaurantee ) should be valid for 118 ( 90 +28 ) days after the bid submis
sion deadline date . 9. An original copy of the bid must be submitted electronically and exclusively to :
tenders.pse@enabel.be in PDF format or equivalent . 10. Offers must be received at the above email address by 23 August , 2021 at
12:00 pm at the latest . An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to you . 11. Late bids will be rejected . Bids will be opened behind closed doors .
Ramallah Office : Street Address : Belgian Development Agency - Enable - Royal Center , Al Balou ' , Mecca Street , Floor : # 7 City : Al Bireh Country : West Bank / Palestine Telephone : 0097 2-242 11 38 , Facsimile number : 0097 2-242 11 38