me Middle East Di Investment Initiative
Request for Proposal ( RFP ) Program name and description Since 2014 , the Middle East Investment Initiative ( MEI ) has been managing a SME technical assistance program in Palestine . The Technical Assistance Program ( TAP ) in conjunction with a loan guarantee facility were designed to increase access to finance and enhance financial literacy of SMEs in the marginalized areas of the Gaza Strip , East Jerusalem , and the West Bank . More information about TAP can be found under www.Tamweeli.ps .
Contracting Authority Middle East Investment Initiative , www.meii.org ,
Overall objectives MEll is seeking a qualified Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency ( RE / EF ) expert to work as a consultant to promote RE / EF usage and adoption by Palestinian SME's . MEII , in collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency ( Sida ) , would like to promote investment by Palestinian SMEs in renewable energy and energy efficiency equipment by supporting SME access to finance and promoting the benefits of investing in RE and EE technologies .
Eligibility Any locally based person and / or firm with technical knowledge and experience of at least 5 years in renewable energy , and energy efficiency , including providing TA , energy assessment audits etc. , and RE / EF promotion and adoption are eligible to submit a proposal . Eligible and interested consultants can request a more detailed Request for Proposal ( RFP ) by sending their CV and a brief profile highlighting their experience with the related field to the email below .
Deadline for submitting the RFPP
Sep 15 , 2021 .
Details for receipt of applications All documents must be in English , and sent to rfq-pal@meii.org .