Call for Consultants Proposal
( CONSULTING SERVICES ) NAME OF PROJECT : Technical Assistance to the Program Coordination Unit for Implementation of the Rolling Pro gram of Interventions for Additional Supply of Water for the Gaza Strip ( TA - G - PCU ) - phase II . Contract No .: PWA / ADA / 2020 / 015 COUNTRY : Palestine ASSIGNMENT TITLE : Legal Consultancy Services to Assist the PWA in Legal Activities for the Establishment of the National Water company ( NWC ) Reference No .: TA - G - PCU - QCBS - 03-2019 1. The Palestinian Water Authority ( PWA ) announces the
need to contract a Consultancy Firm to provide “ Legal Consultancy Services to Assist the PWA in Legal Activities for the Establishment of the National Water company ( NWC ) " , through funding from the Austrian Development Agency ( ADA ) , within the project titled " Technical Assistance to the Program Coordination Unit for Implementation of the Rolling Program of Interventions for Additional Supply of Water for
the Gaza Strip ( TA - G - PCU ) - Phase II . 2. The PWA , now invites eligible consulting firms having the
relevant experience to perform the service to collect the request for proposal documents starting from 8 of September 2021 at PWA Office in Ramallah during the working hours between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm or from the official PWA website :
www.pwa.ps. 3. Clarifications : The last date for clarifications will be on Sunday ,
19 September 2021 , and the last date for answering the clarifica
tions will be on , Thursday 23 September 2021 . 4. A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection
( QCBS ) method . And procedures described in this RFP . 5. Bid shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of
tender opening , and must be accompanied by bid security of ( 1,000 ) EURO valid for a period of 120 days from the date of
opening tenders 6 . Bids must be delivered to the Palestinian Water Authority
( Sealed envelope ) at the address shown below on or before 12:00 pm local time on Sunday 3/10/2021 . The technical pro posals will be opened in presence of the bidders interested into
participating . 7- The addresses for submission and information : PWA Office
Palestinian Water Authority , Kamal Naser St. , Al Masayef ,
Ramallah , West Bank , Palestine Att .: Mr. Raed Sawaftah Procurement Unit 6th Floor , Tel : +970 2 2987665 Fax : +970 2 2987336 Mobile : 0599 814 065 , E - mail : raed_sf@yahoo.com Website : www.pwa.ps Minister Eng . Mazen Ghuniem