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- ( 8 ) 9/27
Demand - Oriented TVET Programme ( DoTVET )
Request for quotation Procurement of Passenger Car
The GIZ DO TVET is one module in the German De velopment Programme “ Sustainable Economic De velopment , employment promotion and Education ” . The run - time of DO TVET is 3 years ( Feb 2021 – Jan 2024 ) . The programme is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel opment ( BMZ ) and co - financed by Norwegian Agency for Development ( NORAD ) . Among others , DO TVET focuses on capacity development for TVET personnel and in - company trainers , cooperation between schools and workplaces and raising the attractiveness of TVET programmes . DOTVET needs 1 passenger car with Palestinian plate . Qualified suppliers are hereby invited to submit their quotations for the provision of the required PCs . Interested companies can download the inquiry docu ments starting 28.9.2021 through 3.10.2021 from our tendering website http : https://tender.gizpal.ps Quotations should be sent to the e - mail PS_Quotation @ giz.de no later than 6.10.2021 before 15:00 . Bids sub mitted in original or to a different e - mail address , will be declined . Late submissions will not be considered .