Caritas Baby Hospital Bethlehem
Invitation to Bid
Tender Number : ITB - 2021 - FIR Supply , Installation & Commissioning of One Set of Firefighting
Pumps At Caritas Baby Hospital - Bethlehem Caritas Baby Hospital is the sole exclusively pediatric hospital in the West Bank . It was founded in 1953 by the Swiss Father Ernst Schnydrig and is operated by Children's Relief Bethlehem ( CRB ) , a Christian relief agency based in Lucerne , Switzerland . The hospital offers inpatient and outpatient medical treatments to Pales tinian children . Caritas Baby Hospital received a fund from ROACO Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches towards the enhancement of building life safety by the supply and installation of one set of UL listed and FM approved firefighting pumps , as specified in the ITB - 2021 - FIR . Interested companies can receive the tender documents against a payment of nonrefundable fees in the amount of NIS 200 in person starting from 10/11/2021 through 16/11/2021 between 9 : 00-14 : 00 from : Procurement Office - Mrs. Elham Asfour Annex Building Caritas Baby Hospital - Bethlehem The mandatory site visit will be held on 16/11/2021 at 11:00 in Caritas Baby Hospital / Bethlehem . Tender proposals have to be submitted in closed envelope at the Reception Office of the Administration Building by Friday , 26/11/2021 before 12:00 noon . Late bids will not be accepted .
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